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Now you can target the incoming MPs who will be in the next government.

As we prepare for the installation of a new government, and a huge shake-up in the make up of the House of Commons, it is imperative to begin communicating with those new political stakeholders and decision makers right away. With MessageSpace, it is now possible to communicate your organisation’s messaging priorities to candidates and incumbent MPs using our unique data sets, ensuring you reach only the most influential political voices in the UK. 

MessageSpace holds a large proprietary database of the social media and online profiles of incumbent MPs and opposition candidates in every consitutency in the UK. This allows us to provide best-in-class ad targeting to existing and future MPs, helping our clients to reach crucial decision-makers via leading political websites, naitonal news media and social media platforms.
We’re already helping global brands to communicate with the next parliament. Now is the time to join our clients such as Airbnb, Drax, Lloyds Banking GroupOffshore Energies UK, and Spotify, as well as BOTH major political parties, in embedding your messaging with future law makers.

Let us help you succeed in this crucial campaign period, and deliver measurable impact from your campaign budgets.

Click here to recieve our latest brochure, or give our team a call on 0207 608 1140.