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Data Targeted Political Advertising

Now you can target the incoming MPs who will be in the next government. As we prepare for the installation of a new government, and a huge shake-up in the make up of the House of Commons, it is imperative to begin communicating with those new political stakeholders and decision makers right away. With MessageSpace,Continue reading “Data Targeted Political Advertising”

We looked into how many MPs follow major insider politics channels on Twitter.

Something interesting happened when we looked into which news outlets MPs choose to follow on their personal Twitter accounts. Everyone knows that the day-to-day business of political debate is handled on Twitter. So examining which news brands MPs follow is indicative of their revealed preferences for providers of real-time news, gossip and analysis. In otherContinue reading “We looked into how many MPs follow major insider politics channels on Twitter.”

Case Study: Entain Group

The Brief Spring 2022 sees the expected publication of the long-awaited gambling review by the UK government. As one of Britain’s largest gaming firms it is vital that key decision makers in Westminster are aware of Entain’s position on key policy matters related to the review before making any decisions that could negatively impact theContinue reading “Case Study: Entain Group”

Case Study: Lloyds Banking Group

The BriefCOVID-19 had a huge impact on the lives of everyone in Britain. Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) wanted to communicate the huge levels of investment they are putting into the UK economy to help the recovery. From personal loans and mortgages to business grants and schemes alongside renewed investment in Net Zero, the ‘Helping BritainContinue reading “Case Study: Lloyds Banking Group”

Political engagement: make use of MPs’ favourite websites

In recent years spending on native advertising formats grew to 41% of UK marketing spend. Native ads take the form of sponsored content, and are presented in the style of the publication; benefiting and drawing authority from its influence and status. From non-profits to FTSE 100 firms, there has been a growing trend in the use of paidContinue reading “Political engagement: make use of MPs’ favourite websites”

MessageSpace: Political Advertising

In the modern political and public affairs landscape, digital advertising must form a key cornerstone of campaigns in order to engage key players at every opportunity and across multiple touchpoints; positioning clients to ensure their messages are communicated effectively to influence government decision-making. MessageSpace are experts in digital advertising in the political space across allContinue reading “MessageSpace: Political Advertising”

We know where MPs get their news.

The Chancellor and his top team, with ministers across the government and opposition benches, read specialised political news websites for up to the minute insider opinion, analysis and gossip from SW1. MessageSpace offers the only first-party data-targeted advertising and content partnerships solutions across top Westminster focused news sites including POLITICO, The Spectator, New Statesman andContinue reading “We know where MPs get their news.”